Now I have stopped breastfeeding for the last time. I hadn't planned on breastfeeding for this long but since it was working so well for us there was no reason to stop...until I realized I was becoming a walking pacifier 😅

We started by preparing through puppet play and it is absolutely amazing how much easier it is to communicate with children through play and puppets. Now we have replaced breastfeeding with hugging the doll and it feels so good. It's almost been a week and we've finally got new routines into our everyday lives.

So h is we did

A week before the planned end of breastfeeding , the dolls came to visit

The baby doll told me that it has stopped breastfeeding and how exciting it felt

The dolls told us that it was hard and sad in the beginning but that it ended and became good

Soon it will be Yasmine's turn to stop breastfeeding and the dolls promised to support and hug her a lot

Every day the dolls come to visit to support and cheer on Yasmine.

Don't forget the puppet's super power!

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