Gåvoguide - presenttips för barn i olika åldrar

Gift guide - gift ideas for children of different ages

A soft doll from our collection is more than just a toy; it is a gift of love, care, and responsibility towards our planet and society. It represents values ​​such as inclusion, diversity and environmental awareness. By choosing such a gift for a child, you contribute not only to their immediate joy and development, but also to a more inclusive and sustainable world.

March 29, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Lokalt Producerade Dockor Är Framtiden

Locally Produced Dolls Are The Future

In an age where mass production and distance from the creative process are becoming more and more common, we at Watoto Arts take a different path. We believe in a fair and transparent production that not only benefits our society but also the planet.
March 23, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Docka med sond i näsa och knapp i magen

Doll with tube in nose and button in stomach

When Vide Lo saw that the doll also has a button in its stomach, they became friends and it became easier to accept their own button.

Together with the doll, Vide Lo processes what happens in the hospital. The doll gets to do the new, scary things before Vide Lo tests.

Vide Lo washes and fixes with the button in the belly of the doll and makes sure the probe tape is on the cheek. Sometimes the doll gets a syringe, band-aid or doctor's cap.

I think Lo has become safer and less afraid of hospital environments. It is also important that the doll normalizes that everyone is different and that it is completely okay. Different is good!

March 10, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Dockor och lekterapi

Dolls and play therapy

Doll play has long been a central part of children's development. However, this form of play takes on an even more significant role in the hospital environment, especially when it comes to children facing medical procedures or long-term care. By integrating soft dolls representing the sick children into play therapy, hospital staff can effectively and educationally prepare and help children process their experiences.
March 04, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Kan jag köpa en svart docka till mitt vita barn?

Can I buy a black doll for my white child?

Choosing inclusive toys is never wrong. It is a step towards raising conscious, empathetic and inclusive individuals. It's about opening the door to important conversations about humanity.
March 03, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Watoto Arts är en av 100 profiler som vill göra handeln mer hållbar

Watoto Arts is one of 100 profiles that want to make trade more sustainable

In a world where sustainability and inclusion are increasingly important, we at Watoto Arts are proud to be recognized as part of a prestigious group working towards a more sustainable future. Our commitment to creating Swedish-made, inclusive dolls has not only touched hearts but also marked us as one of the 100 profiles leading the way towards a greener and more inclusive trade .
March 01, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Watoto Arts öppnar Pop-Up Butik i Ringen Centrum!

Watoto Arts opens Pop-Up Shop in Ringen Centrum!

We are so looking forward to our Pop-up store at The ring center .

We will offer various activities for both young and old
February 18, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
Därför hjälper snuttefilten ditt barn

That's why the snuffle blanket helps your child

Did you know that snutis are also called transitional objects? They are important for the child's psychological development. After all, toddlers cannot reason themselves into comfort, but must have a concrete object whose purpose is to provide comfort and calm. This is also why many children feel a special attachment to their little one and that parents do everything to keep the little one from leaving.
January 05, 2024 — Fatma Guettou
personliga dockor

Unique handmade dolls with a personalized embroidered name - Perfect christening gift

Say hello to our dolls made with an extra personal touch. Now you can choose to have a name or a date embroidered into the doll's clothes. This is a custom-made doll that is perfect to give away at christenings, baby showers or birthdays. Think how happy the child will be to have a doll with his name on it!
December 27, 2023 — Fatma Guettou
653. Barnet Går - Fatma Guettou/Watoto Arts, "Mångfald och inkludering i leksakslådan"

653. The Child Goes - Fatma Guettou/Watoto Arts, "Diversity and Inclusion in the Toy Box"

An intimate conversation about the importance of play for children and about running a business during childhood.
October 14, 2023 — Fatma Guettou
Watoto prisas - IGEN!

Watoto is praised - AGAIN!

This year, we received that award in the Diversity & Inclusion category with the following justification:
September 24, 2023 — Fatma Guettou
En bild på ägarna som sitter i en park samt en karta som visar var huvudkontoret ligger.

About Watoto Art's activities

We at Watoto Arts are extremely proud of our local production based in Stockholm. As a family business, we take great responsibility for creating a positive change in society while reducing our environmental impact.
September 13, 2023 — Fatma Guettou