At Watoto Arts, we are proud of our collaboration with The Hunger Project, where we support their important work for a world where no one should have to live in hunger. We do this by donating SEK 40 from each Siyanda and Abel doll set sold, which has the embroidery "Love. Nutrition. Rights.” embroidered on the pocket. The donation will go towards the work of ensuring the right nutrition for children and their families through training and support for small farmers, with a focus on women, in their countries of operation.

733 million people live in hunger in the world (2023). It is unacceptable. We know that another world is possible. In The Hunger Project's program, people get opportunities to get themselves out of hunger through education, equality and leadership. In over 13 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, The Hunger Project sees how people in their projects move from dependence on aid to leading development in their communities themselves.

By ensuring nutrition and health already in the first 1000 days of life, which are critical for both physical and mental development, the cycle of malnutrition can be broken. The Hunger Project works for a world where every child and every parent has access to the nutrition they need to grow and develop, and where their rights are respected and fulfilled. Because nutritious food is a human right, just like the right to education and to social security. When people get the tools and knowledge they need, real change happens. And yes, with both heart and commitment – ​​love – we can build a sustainable and fair world together.

What does The Hunger Project do?

By giving people the tools and skills they need, The Hunger Project supports families and communities to build a better future. For example, parents and pregnant women are educated about children's nutritional needs, about the benefits of breastfeeding as well as about agriculture and entrepreneurship so that all parents can ensure nutritious food on the table. They also train small-scale farmers and promote the rights of girls and women – all to create sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty.

Buy the doll here!

Read more about The Hunger Project's important work:

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